Class OpenSeadragon.Viewer

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The main point of entry into creating a zoomable image on the page.

Method Summary

Class Detail

The main point of entry into creating a zoomable image on the page. We have provided an idiomatic javascript constructor which takes a single object, but still support the legacy positional arguments. The options below are given in order that they appeared in the constructor as arguments and we translate a positional call into an idiomatic call.
{Object} options
{String} options.element
Id of Element to attach to,
{String} options.xmlPath
Xpath ( TODO: not sure! ),
{String} options.prefixUrl
Url used to prepend to paths, eg button images, etc.
{Seadragon.Controls[]} options.controls
Array of Seadragon.Controls,
{Seadragon.Overlays[]} options.overlays
Array of Seadragon.Overlays,
{Seadragon.Controls[]} options.overlayControls
An Array of ( TODO: not sure! )

Method Detail