Class OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
The MouseTracker allows other classes to set handlers for common mouse events on a specific element like, 'enter', 'exit', 'press', 'release', 'scroll', 'click', and 'drag'.

Method Summary

Class Detail

The MouseTracker allows other classes to set handlers for common mouse events on a specific element like, 'enter', 'exit', 'press', 'release', 'scroll', 'click', and 'drag'.
{Object} options
Allows configurable properties to be entirely specified by passing an options object to the constructor. The constructor also supports the original positional arguments 'elements', 'clickTimeThreshold', and 'clickDistThreshold' in that order.
{Element|String} options.element
A reference to an element or an element id for which the mouse events will be monitored.
{Number} options.clickTimeThreshold
The number of milliseconds within which mutliple mouse clicks will be treated as a single event.
{Number} options.clickDistThreshold
The distance between mouse click within multiple mouse clicks will be treated as a single event.
{Function} options.enterHandler
An optional handler for mouse enter.
{Function} options.exitHandler
An optional handler for mouse exit.
{Function} options.pressHandler
An optional handler for mouse press.
{Function} options.releaseHandler
An optional handler for mouse release.
{Function} options.scrollHandler
An optional handler for mouse scroll.
{Function} options.clickHandler
An optional handler for mouse click.
{Function} options.dragHandler
An optional handler for mouse drag.

Field Detail

{Number} clickDistThreshold
The distance between mouse click within multiple mouse clicks will be treated as a single event.
{Number} clickTimeThreshold
The number of milliseconds within which mutliple mouse clicks will be treated as a single event.
{Element} element
The element for which mouse event are being monitored.
{Number} hash
An unique hash for this tracker.

Method Detail

  • clickHandler(tracker, position, quick, shift)
    Implement or assign implmentation to these handlers during or after calling the constructor.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} tracker
    A reference to the tracker instance.
    {OpenSeadragon.Point} position
    The poistion of the event on the screen.
    {Boolean} quick
    True only if the clickDistThreshold and clickDeltaThreshold are both pased. Useful for ignoring events.
    {Boolean} shift
    Was the shift key being pressed during this event?
  • dragHandler(tracker, position, delta, shift)
    Implement or assign implmentation to these handlers during or after calling the constructor.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} tracker
    A reference to the tracker instance.
    {OpenSeadragon.Point} position
    The poistion of the event on the screen.
    {OpenSeadragon.Point} delta
    The x,y components of the difference between start drag and end drag. Usefule for ignoring or weighting the events.
    {Boolean} shift
    Was the shift key being pressed during this event?
  • enterHandler(tracker, position, buttonDown, buttonDownAny)
    Implement or assign implmentation to these handlers during or after calling the constructor.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} tracker
    A reference to the tracker instance.
    {OpenSeadragon.Point} position
    The poistion of the event on the screen.
    {Boolean} buttonDown
    True if the left mouse button is currently being pressed and was initiated inside the tracked element, otherwise false.
    {Boolean} buttonDownAny
    Was the button down anywhere in the screen during the event.
  • exitHandler(tracker, position, buttonDown, buttonDownAny)
    Implement or assign implmentation to these handlers during or after calling the constructor.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} tracker
    A reference to the tracker instance.
    {OpenSeadragon.Point} position
    The poistion of the event on the screen.
    {Boolean} buttonDown
    True if the left mouse button is currently being pressed and was initiated inside the tracked element, otherwise false.
    {Boolean} buttonDownAny
    Was the button down anywhere in the screen during the event.
  • {Boolean} isTracking()
    Are we currently tracking events on this element.
    Just use this.tracking
    {Boolean} Are we currently tracking events on this element.
  • keyHandler(tracker, keyCode, shift)
    Implement or assign implmentation to these handlers during or after calling the constructor.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} tracker
    A reference to the tracker instance.
    {Number} keyCode
    The key code that was pressed.
    {Boolean} shift
    Was the shift key being pressed during this event?
  • pressHandler(tracker, position)
    Implement or assign implmentation to these handlers during or after calling the constructor.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} tracker
    A reference to the tracker instance.
    {OpenSeadragon.Point} position
    The poistion of the event on the screen.
  • releaseHandler(tracker, position, buttonDown, insideElementRelease)
    Implement or assign implmentation to these handlers during or after calling the constructor.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} tracker
    A reference to the tracker instance.
    {OpenSeadragon.Point} position
    The poistion of the event on the screen.
    {Boolean} buttonDown
    True if the left mouse button is currently being pressed and was initiated inside the tracked element, otherwise false.
    {Boolean} insideElementRelease
    Was the mouse still inside the tracked element when the button was released.
  • scrollHandler(tracker, position, scroll, shift)
    Implement or assign implmentation to these handlers during or after calling the constructor.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} tracker
    A reference to the tracker instance.
    {OpenSeadragon.Point} position
    The poistion of the event on the screen.
    {Number} scroll
    The scroll delta for the event.
    {Boolean} shift
    Was the shift key being pressed during this event?
  • {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} setTracking(track)
    Enable or disable whether or not we are tracking events on this element.
    {Boolean} track
    True to start tracking, false to stop tracking.
    {OpenSeadragon.MouseTracker} Chainable.