Class OpenSeadragon.Button

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Manages events, hover states for individual buttons, tool-tips, as well as fading the bottons out when the user has not interacted with them for a specified period.

Method Summary

Class Detail

Manages events, hover states for individual buttons, tool-tips, as well as fading the bottons out when the user has not interacted with them for a specified period.
{Object} options
{String} options.tooltip
Provides context help for the button we the user hovers over it.
{String} options.srcRest
URL of image to use in 'rest' state
{String} options.srcGroup
URL of image to use in 'up' state
{String} options.srcHover
URL of image to use in 'hover' state
{String} options.srcDown
URL of image to use in 'domn' state
{Element} options.element Optional
Element to use as a container for the button.

Field Detail

{Object} config
Configurable settings for this button. DEPRECATED.
{Element} element
Element to use as a container for the button.
{Number} fadeBeginTime
When the button last began to fade.
{Number} fadeDelay
How long to wait before fading
{Number} fadeLength
How long should it take to fade the button.
{Boolean} shouldFade
Whether this button should fade after user stops interacting with the viewport. this.fadeDelay = 0; // begin fading immediately this.fadeLength = 2000; // fade over a period of 2 seconds this.fadeBeginTime = null; this.shouldFade = false;
{String} srcDown
URL of image to use in 'domn' state
{String} srcGroup
URL of image to use in 'up' state
{String} srcHover
URL of image to use in 'hover' state
{String} srcRest
URL of image to use in 'rest' state
{String} tooltip
Provides context help for the button we the user hovers over it.

Method Detail

  • notifyGroupEnter()
    TODO: Determine what this function is intended to do and if it's actually useful as an API point.
  • notifyGroupExit()
    TODO: Determine what this function is intended to do and if it's actually useful as an API point.