Class OpenSeadragon.ButtonGroup

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Manages events on groups of buttons.

Method Summary

Class Detail

Manages events on groups of buttons.
{Object} options
- a dictionary of settings applied against the entire group of buttons
{Array} options.buttons
Array of buttons
{Element} Optional
Element to use as the container,
{Object} options.config
Object with Viewer settings ( TODO: is this actually used anywhere? )
{Function} options.enter Optional
Function callback for when the mouse enters group
{Function} options.exit Optional
Function callback for when mouse leaves the group
{Function} options.release Optional
Function callback for when mouse is released

Field Detail

{Array} buttons
- An array containing the buttons themselves.
{Object} config
- Configurable settings for the group of buttons.
{Element} element
- The shared container for the buttons.
- Tracks mouse events accross the group of buttons.

Method Detail

  • emulateEnter()
    TODO: Figure out why this is used on the public API and if a more useful api can be created.
  • emulateExit()
    TODO: Figure out why this is used on the public API and if a more useful api can be created.